PRODUCT INFO: RED® PRO CFast 512GB is the official certified media card for the KOMODO™ 6K. The media is CFast 2.0 compliant and offers a durable...
RED PRO CFAST 512GB x2 pack - Карта памет 2бр комплект
This memory card can operate in temperatures ranging from -20° to 70°C.
SanDisk 256GB Extreme PRO CFast 2.0 Memory Card For those working in high-performance industries such as broadcasting, cinema, and photography, the 256GB...
To meet the high data transfer demands of Ultra High Definition filmmaking, Transcend's CFast 2.0 CFX650 Memory Cards feature incredible read and write...
CineDiskPro CFAST 2.0 memory card 4K RAW 256gb
The DP-100 is an affordable alternative for the URSA Mini range of cameras which uses SSD media instead of CFast 2.0 cards. The maximum write speed is 550MB/s...
Wise 1TB CFast 2.0 Memory Card
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