
Nikola Borissov

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Nikola Borisov was born in Sofia in 1980. Since 1999, he has been in Milan, where he graduated in Political Science and International Economics. During his time as a student, he discovered his passion for photography and gradually became completely captivated by the magic. He lives between Sofia and Milan, and works as a photographer for famous women's publications and global fashion brands, although his great passion remains reportage and street photography.

Nikola Borisov achieves the specific emotional charge in his photos using relatively simple, but very well thought-out lighting structures. A large part of the author's compositions are illuminated with CTR800 halogens, whose color temperature (3200 K°) perfectly harmonizes with the available light background of the night city. Nikola Borisov uses two portable R-430 generator kits for outdoor shots, and works with C-H800 and C-H400 monoblocks in the studio.

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- C-H800 Studio Flash - C-H400 Studio Flash - RD-1200 Rechargeable Power Pack - CTR800 continual warm light - Softbox 80x120 cm AX - White reflective umbrella 105 cm - Mini optical spot - Aluminium light suitcase - Polydisc 5in1 - 42"